On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 07:32:59PM +0100, Harald Fuchs wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Carson Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >      date     |       user
> > ------------------+---------------------
> > 20050201   |       Bill
> > 20050210   |       Steve
> > 20050224   |       Sally
> > 20050311   |       Martha
> > 20050316   |       Ryan
> > 20050322   |       Phil
> > 20050330   |       William
> > 20050415   |       Mary
> > 20050428   |       Susan
> > 20050503   |       Jim
> > and I want to run a query that returns a *count* of the number of
> > users *each month*, ordered by year and *month*, with an additional
> > column that is a *running total of the count*, as in:
> >     year        |    month  |    count    |   run_count
> > -------------------+----------------+----------------+-----------------
> >     2005       |      02       |      3          |         3
> > 2005       |      03       |      4          |         7
> >     2005       |      04       |      2          |         9
> >     2005       |      05       |      1          |        10
> > I can get almost everything I want with:
> > SELECT a.year, a.month, a.count, a.month_name, sum(b.count) AS total
> > FROM (SELECT EXTRACT(year from added_date) AS year,
> > EXTRACT(month FROM added_date) AS month,
> > TO_CHAR(added_date, 'Month') AS month_name,
> > COUNT(*) AS count FROM users_table GROUP BY 1, 2, 3) AS a,
> > (SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM added_date) AS year,
> > EXTRACT(month FROM added_date) AS month,
> > TO_CHAR(added_date, 'Month') AS month_name,
> > COUNT(*) AS count
> > FROM users_table GROUP BY 1, 2, 3) AS b
> > WHERE a.year >= b.year AND a.month >= b.month
> > GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4
> > ORDER BY a.year, a.month asc;
> > but I can't quite figure out the running total of the count. The above
> > example works right up to the end of the first year, then the values
> > no longer make sense. My guess is it's something to do with my WHERE
> > clause, but I can't think of a better way to do things.
> Yes, your WHERE condition is the problem.  It should be
> WHERE a.year > b.year OR a.year = b.year AND a.month > b.month.
> You could simplify the date logic by doing the year/month split later, e.g.
>   SELECT extract(YEAR FROM t1.dt) AS year,
>          extract(MONTH FROM t1.dt) AS month,
>          t1.count,
>          sum(t2.count) AS run_count
>   FROM tmp t1
>   LEFT JOIN tmp t2 ON t2.dt <= t1.dt
>   GROUP BY year, month, t1.count
>   ORDER BY year, month;

What about:

SELECT extract(YEAR FROM t1.dt) AS year,
       extract(MONTH FROM t1.dt) AS month,
       sum(t2.count) AS run_count
    SELECT date_trunc('month', date) AS dt, count(*) AS count
    FROM users_table
    GROUP BY dt
) AS t1
LEFT JOIN tmp t2 ON t2.dt <= t1.dt
GROUP BY year, month, t1.count
ORDER BY year, month;


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