On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Klint Gore <kgo...@une.edu.au> wrote:
> Andreas wrote:
>> I'd like to have a view only to be used by certain users.
>> The tables are public.
>> Can this only be done by restricting access to the tables?
> GRANT/REVOKE works on views
> revoke all on aview from public;
> grant select on aview to user1;
> As Raymond pointed out, if user2 knows what the definition of aview is, they
> can just run it against the raw tables.
> e.g.
> create view aview as select * from pg_proc;
> revoke all on aview from public;
> grant select on aview to user1;
> set session authorization user2;
> select * from aview;  -- fails
> select * from pg_proc;  -- works and gives the same result

Yes, but:

* you can still \d the view (or \d equivalent in sql) which shows it's
* if you can \d view, you can 'create temporary view' with the same
definition on public tables

what does this get you?


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