And it's a bit more complicated at that. Here's why....

I discovered that I can refer to the function as a relation in the from 

  select y.col1 from my_plpgsql_fn(789) y

but I need to pass the function something from outside, sort of like...

  select x.col_a, y.col1
  from mytable x, my_plpgsql_fn(a.val) y
  where x.col_b = 'foo';

When I try this one, I get a "ERROR Function expression in FROM cannot refer to 
other relations of same query level"

I could accomplish what I need to because Im actually doing all this in the 
Perl/DBI.  And in Perl, I can just run the "x" query in a loop, then the 
"my_plpgsql_fn" call inside the loop.  This will accomplish the same thing, but 
it'll be 2 queries instead of one (and it'll be far from elegant!)


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gauthier, Dave
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:03 PM
To: Andreas Kretschmer;
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Isolating a record column from a PL-Pgsql function call ?

The example I gave was overly simplistic.  I actually want to look at more than 
one of the columns in the returned record, so rewritting it to return an int 
won't address the need for the other columns.  And no, it does not return a 
set/array of records.  It returns just one record.  

If I run the function outside of a query, it returns something like...


Notice the parens, the commas and the lack of single quotes around the 
"myvcharval(x)" values.

I suppose I could do some funky string dissection with this, but I was 
wondering if there was something more straignt-forward.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Andreas Kretschmer
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Isolating a record column from a PL-Pgsql function call ?

Gauthier, Dave <> schrieb:

> Hi:
> I have a PL-Pgsql function that returns a record of a type that have 4 
> elements
> (columns).  Let's say the first element/column is called "id_num".  Is there a
> way I can specify the id_num element of the record returned from iside a 
> query?
> For example, select col1 from thetable where my_plpgsql_fn(col2).id_num = 123;

I think, you should rewrite your function to hand over the id_num as
additional parameter. But i'm not sure if i understand you corrently. Is
this a setof-returning function?

Please, show us your real function, maybe someone can help you more.

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