On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:37:17PM +0300, IIIIIIII wrote:
> Hello. I have table classif with columns:
> ... , group1, group2, group3, ... , group48, ...
> In function i do query and want run on every row and dynamically operate on
> columns from group1 to group20. I do something like this:

It sounds as though you should be using an ARRAY instead of having lots
of columns.

The best I could come up with would be doing something like:

> OPEN curs FOR select * from classif;

  OPEN curs FOR SELECT ARRAY[group1,group2,group3,group4] AS group FROM classif;

You'd obviously need to all the way up to "group20" here.  If the syntax
gets a bit baroque you could create a view to do the same.

>  loop
>     fetch curs into tmprec;
>     exit when not found;
>     for I in 1..20 loop
>         ...
>     -- problem code is:
>         value := tmprec.group{I};

  value := tmprec.group[I];

>     -- i cannot dynamically access to group1, group2, ... colomns according
> to "I" variable.
>     ...
>     end loop;
> end loop;
> I have to manually identify and handle each entry without a cycle do
> something like this:

You're using the wrong data type; RECORDs are for where you statically
know and care about the structure of the data, ARRAYs are when you care
at runtime.


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