Adrian Klaver wrote:
On Tuesday 23 December 2008 1:04:49 pm justin wrote:
have a function written in pgsql   it runs just fine, except its doing
something really stupid.

The function runs just fine till this select statement

Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
         into _TotalCost
         from wo
         where wo_id = pWoid ;

This goes to the work order header table to gets the current value
divided by current qty thats been completed so far, then sticks the
value into _TotalCost variable based on the parameter passed into
variable pWoid.

problem is it returns NULL  which is impossible as i can manually run
the select statement and get the $1.589445

I have no idea how to fix this problem going forward???

and the database is 8.3.5 running Ubuntu 8.0 lts

Would help to see the whole function. Also make sure you did not name one of the variables the same as a column name, this will confuse plpgsql. Are you using the same value for wo_id in the function as in the manual select statement?

First the funciton has been running for months and never has had a problem. No changes to the database scheme. Second use variable naming scheme completely different from column names. _ always is the first character in variables. p is always the first character in passed parameters.

Take a look at the screen shot and be in aw as i am

postproduction(pwoid integer, pqty numeric, pbackflush boolean, pbackflushoperations boolean, pitemlocseries integer, psuuser text, prnuser text, pdate date)
 RETURNS integer AS
   _woNumber TEXT;
   _itemlocSeries INTEGER;
_parentQty NUMERIC;
   _qty NUMERIC;
   _TotalCost numeric;


   IF (pQty <= 0) THEN
       RETURN 0;
   END IF;

   IF ( ( SELECT wo_status
           FROM wo
           WHERE (wo_id=pWoid) ) NOT IN  ('R','E','I') ) THEN
       RETURN -1;
   END IF;

   --If this is item type Job then we are using the wrong function
   SELECT item_type INTO _check
       FROM wo, itemsite, item
       WHERE ((wo_id=pWoid)
           AND (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
           AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
           AND (item_type = 'J'));
IF (FOUND) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Work orders for job items are posted when quantities are shipped on the associated sales order';
   END IF;

   SELECT formatWoNumber(pWoid) INTO _woNumber;

   SELECT roundQty(item_fractional, pQty) INTO _parentQty
       FROM wo,
       WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
           AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
           AND (wo_id=pWoid));
-- Create the material receipt transaction
   IF (pItemlocSeries = 0) THEN
       SELECT NEXTVAL('itemloc_series_seq') INTO _itemlocSeries;
       _itemlocSeries = pItemlocSeries;
   END IF;

--Lets get Wips Current total cost
   Select (wo_wipvalue/wo_qtyord)
into _TotalCost from wo where wo_id = pWoid ;
   --Moves WIP into Inventory.
   SELECT postInvTrans( itemsite_id,
           'Receive Inventory from Manufacturing',
           pDate::timestamp ) INTO _invhistid
       FROM wo,
       WHERE ( (wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
           AND (itemsite_costcat_id=costcat_id)
           AND (wo_id=pWoid) );

   --  Increase this W/O's received qty decrease its WIP value
           wo_qtyrcv = (wo_qtyrcv + _parentQty),
           wo_wipvalue = (wo_wipvalue - (_TotalCost*pQty))
       FROM itemsite,
       WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)
           AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)
           AND (wo_id=pWoid));

   --  Make sure the W/O is at issue status
       WHERE (wo_id=pWoid);

RETURN _itemlocSeries;

 COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean, integer, text, text, date) OWNER TO justin; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO justin; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postproduction(integer, numeric, boolean, boolean, integer, text, text, date) TO public;

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