Karsten Hilbert wrote:
Hello all,

maybe some general advice can be had on this:

table test_results
        modified_by integer foreign key staff(pk),
        intended_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk),
        actual_reviewer integer foreign key staff(pk)

(this table will contain millions of rows)

table staff
        pk integer
        name text

(this table will contain at most 50 rows)

Now I want to set up a view which aggregates test results
with staff names for all three foreign keys. This would mean
I would either have to

- join test_results to staff three times, once for each
  of the foreign keys, this is going to be messy with
  tracking table aliases, duplicate column names etc

- write three explicit sub-selects for the columns I want
  to denormalize into the view definition

Select testresults.*, Modifer.Name, Intended.name, Actual.name from testresults
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Modifer
        on Modifer.pk  = testresults.modified_by
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Intended
       on Reviewer.pk  = testresults.intended_reviewer
   left join (Select pk, name  from staff) Actual
       on pk  = testresults.actual_reviewer

This is what i think you are after. You can do this via nested queries also for each name

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