Hi folks,

I thought (now that I've solved my DBD::Pg problem) that I'd ask a 
fairly generic opinion question. I've been working with postgres and 
php now for about 4 years, quite heavily in the last year. I'm sold 
on postgres, and will continue to use it unless I have compelling 
reasons not to. But I'm debating about continuing development using 

1) I'm getting better and better at perl - and it's a much more 
mature language than php.

2) I've been learning a bit about jsp and java servlets - and that's 
intriguing me a lot.

So what's your favorite web programming language to use with 
postgres, and why? Are there speed/performance issues I should think 
about? I'm also beginning to get into XML, so there is another set of 
things to think about.


Michelle Murrain, Ph.D.
President, Norwottuck Technology Resources
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              www.norwottuck.com

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