I have a table with two fields:


There is quite a pivotal SQL for our site that issues the query:

   ...WHERE user_id = 'xyz' and col2 = 'xyz'

Until now, I have had two indexes, one for user_id and one for col2.

Now, I built a compound index concurrently (user_id, col2). After an
error the previous, this has now built, but the query above is still
using individual indexes of olden times.

So I want to drop the index on col2 alone. (Col2 is never used by
itself, so no use keeping the index. We only created it originally
because an index on this field alone would be smaller than a compound
index, and because PG manual said individual indexes tend to work

But when I try to drop the col2 index, it takes forever, and eats up a
lot of memory to the extent that all other stuff stops. Why should
dropping an index be so tedious?

Would appreciate any thoughts on this. Thanks!

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