You should always salt your password hashes.

Ie randomly generate a salt string, the store this and the password hash:

        insert into auth (user_id, salt, password) values 
(1,'blah',md5('blah' + 'test')) ;

then to check the password

        select true from auth where user_id = 1 and password = md5( salt + 
'test') ;

I tend to set a trigger function to auto generate a salt and hash the 

If you want to be really secure, use both a md5 and sha1 hash, snice it 
has been proved you can generate hash collisions so you could use:

        insert into auth (user_id, salt, password) values 
(1,'blah',md5('blah' || 'test') || sha1('blah' || 'test')) ;

then to check the password

        select true from auth where user_id = 1 and password = md5( salt 
|| 'test')  || sha1( salt || 'test') ;

Chris Ellis

"Raymond C. Rodgers" <> 
Sent by:
04/02/2009 14:34

Iñigo Barandiaran <>
Re: [GENERAL] field with Password

Iñigo Barandiaran wrote: 

Ok. I've found library. So the idea is to 
define in the dataBase a Field of PlainText type. When I want to insert a 
new user, I define a password, convert to MD5 hash with the library and 
store it in the DataBase. Afterwards, any user check should get the 
content of the DataBase of do the inverse process with the library. Is it 

Thanks so much!!!!!! 


Well, you can use the built-in md5 function for this purpose. For 
instance, you could insert a password into the table with a statement 

insert into auth_data (user_id, password) values (1, md5('test'));

And compare the supplied password with something like:

select true from auth_data where user_id = 1 and password = md5('test');

You don't need to depend on an external library for this functionality; 
it's built right into Postgres. Personally, in my own apps I write in PHP, 
I  use a combination of sha1 and md5 to hash user passwords, without 
depending on Postgres to do the hashing, but the effect is basically the 


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