a few further comments:

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 06:54:53PM +0530, Ashish Karalkar wrote:
> CREATE TABLE users (
>      user_id serial NOT NULL ,

It's common to combine this with the PRIMARY KEY constraint from below
to be:


the NOT NULL check is implicit in this and thus redundant.

>      user_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,

As a general design question; should user_name have a UNIQUE constraint
on it?  i.e.

  user_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

>      secret_question varchar(255),
>      secret_answer varchar(255),

as pointed out, these look like they should probably be of TEXT type.

>      creator int,

I'd combine this with the FOREIGN KEY constraint from below as well:

  creator INT REFERENCES users (user_id),

>      date_created timestamp  NOT NULL default to_timestamp('0000-00-00 
> 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),

What's this strange 0000-00-00 date you speak of?  As far as I know
it's not valid; dates go from 1BC to 1AD without a zero in the middle.
Shouldn't you just remove the NOT NULL check or maybe '-infinity' would
be better.

  date_created TIMESTAMP,
  date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '-infinity',
or should it really be
  date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),

>      voided smallint NOT NULL default '0',

Is this really an INT, or should it be a BOOL:


>      date_voided timestamp,

I tend to have these as "end dates" defaulting to 'infinity' as it's
easier to do checks on them then:

  date_voided TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT 'infinity',

hope that helps!

  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

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