> This is my first attempt at using libpq, and I'm running
> across a strange
> problem. Here is my bare-bones program:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include "libpq-fe.h"
> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>   PGconn *conn;
>   fprintf(stderr, "connecting\n");
>   conn = PQconnectdb("dbname=postgres");
>   PQfinish(conn);
>   return 0;
> }
> I expected this program to print "connecting",
> but in fact I get no output
> whatsoever. If I comment out the PQconnectdb and PQfinish
> lines, I see
> "connecting" as expected. What could be going on
> here?
> A few notes:
>  - I'm running PostgreSQL 8.3.6 on Windows XP. I used
> the one-click installer
>    to install.
>  - I'm compiling the program with MinGW. I get no
> compiler warnings or errors.
>  - I can connect to the database just fine using both
> pgAdmin and the
>    command-line client. The database is running on
> localhost.
>  - I've tried adding code to see if PQstatus(conn) ==
> CONNECTION_OK, but this
>    hasn't been useful. Since fprintf() isn't
> working, I can't display a message
>    showing the result of the comparison.
>  - I've tried various combinations of connection
> options in case there was an
>    issue with the hostname, database name, username, or
> password. I always get
>    the same result: no output.
>  - I've tried printing to stdout and to a file, but
> neither helped.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
> Joey

fprintf(stdout,"Connection \n");
printf("Connection \n");


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