Can anyone suggest a query that will tell me the names of all functions
(both trigger and normal) that contain a given string of text?
Here's what happened:
My company's database has a table named "charge" and a view named
"availcharges" that returns all charges that are available.  The view's
SELECT statement lists all fields in the charge table explictly.
We have two functions that use data in the charge table the same way:
    ChargeRec charge%rowtype
    select into ChargeRec * from availcharges
This used to work.  But then one of us added a field to the charge
table, as the last field in the table.  The availcharges view was
adjusted accordingly.  However, behind the scenes something changed.
I'm pretty sure that the view no longer returns fields in the same
order.  My immediate fix was to suggest using either
    ChargeRec record;
    ChargeRec availcharges%rowtype;
Either one works.  
But I need to make sure that we don't get burned by this anywhere else.
Therefore, I would like to be able to find all functions that uses the
phrase "charge%rowtype".  I haven't been able to find where the text of
functions is stored.  
Thank you very much.

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