
i've been getting nonsensical error messages all day with
postgres 8.3 on winxpsp3. i tried upgrading to 8.3.6
(enterprisedb) and fresh installs.

i get either of the following errors:

  PANIC: could not open control file
  "global/pg_control": Permission denied

  postgres cannot access the server configuration
  file "C:/app/postgres/data/postgresql.conf":
  No such file or directory

even though both files are present and accessible to
the postgres user. at some point i tried giving the postgres
user full control over these files and the directories
they were in but it made no difference. i didn't expect it
to since the permissions looked correct to begin with.

if i have ssl=off in my postgresql.conf file i can start the
server with "net start pg-plus-8.3" but:

if i try to start it with "pg_ctl start -D C:/app/postgres/data"
i get the postgresql.conf error message.

if i have ssl=on in my postgresql.conf file (and
server.{crt,key,req} files in the data directory) then "net
start pg-plus-8.3") doesn't work but it gives no reason (and
no log messages) and "pg_ctl start -D C:/app/postgres/data"
gives the global/pg_control error message.

no. i'm flipping ssl on and off now it's staying with the
global/pg_control error. i looked this error up in the
mailing list archives and only found 1 mention of it 2
years ago with no real resolution.

does anyone have an idea about what's happening. it seems i
can only run postgres on windows with ssl=off and i want to
force the use of ssl.

i'd also like the pg_ctl start/stop commands to work again
because they give actual error messages unlike the net
start/stop commands. are they supposed to work with
enterprisedb? i've seen them working on another windows
enterprisedb installation that i set up a while ago.


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