On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:11 AM, najmuddin hassan <naji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed a program called moteview by crossbow technologies. It uses
> postgreSQL 8.0.0-rc1 for its database. There is something wrong as when I
> launched the program it automaticly gives me an error that the database is
> not available. The postgreSQL database installation is bundled together with
> installation disk.  I read one of the mail discussion that that version of
> sql is no longer supported so I upgrade to version 8.3.

8.0 is definitely supported.  8.0.0-rc1 is NOT supported, as it was a
release candidate and is quite likely to have some nasty bugs in it.
It's why there were point releases made right up until 8.0.20
recently. And will likely be more to come.  So, it wouldn't be so bad
if they were including 8.0.20.  That's a supported release and you
find fewer data eating bugs as a release gets older, so even if it was
8.0.11 or something, there'd be a lot fewer hushed whispers of "oh my
god, that poor man" about it being 8.0.0-rc1.

> The moteview program
> has a script called "resetdb.cmd" (script is given below) whereby
> as I understand it is to set the database for the program as server :
> localhost, database : task, user : tele, and password : tiny. When I run
> the resetdb.cmd program. The error below shows up:
> psql: could not connect to server: connection refused (0x0000274D/10061). Is
> the server running on host "localhost" and accepting TCP/IP connection on
> port 5432.

By default, installations of pgsql do NOT answer tcp/ip ports.  You
need to read the admin docs on what exactly to do.  Quick version, in

set listen_addresses="*"

and if 8.0.0 has it, tcp_listen or whatever that setting is near the top

in pg_hba.conf set it to allow trusted logins on (i.e. localhost)

then restart pgsql.

Note that 8.3 may break things.

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