On Saturday 14 March 2009 5:40:40 pm Carl Sopchak wrote:
> When I run the following query through psql, it executes successfully.
> However, when I run it through ODBC (via OpenOffice Base), I get the error
> SQL Status: HY000
> Error code: 1000
> syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting BETWEEN or IN or SQL_TOKEN_LIKE
> Is this some limitation of ODBC?  (I don't think so, so I'm going to ask on
> the OpenOffice lists, but thought I'd check here, too...)
> Query:
> select number_of_years,
> max(case when trial_id = 1 then period_results else null end) as
> MaxResults1, min(case when trial_id = 1 then period_results else null end)
> as MaxResults1, max(case when trial_id = 2 then period_results else null
> end) as MaxResults2, min(case when trial_id = 2 then period_results else
> null end) as MaxResults2 from trial_results
> where trial_id in (1,2)
> group by number_of_years
> order by number_of_years;
> This is on Linux, Fedora 8, using PostgreSQL 8.3.6 and unixODBC...
> Thanks for the help,
> Carl

This is an OO problem, at some point OO Base translates ODBC and JDBC queries 
into its native SDBC format and it has some parser limitations. To get this to 
run you will have to turn of the query builder and just run it as a pass 
through query.

Adrian Klaver

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