Bruno Baguette wrote:
Hello !

I have a table that contains two timestamps (and some other fields that does not matter here).

pk_planning_id  ==> INT8 (primary key)
timestamp_start ==> (not null timestamp without time zone)
timestamp_stop  =+> (not null timestamp without time zone)

I would like to do a SELECT of that table, but by splitting by 24h day :

So, if I have one planning from 2009-03-30 14h50 to 2009-04-01 19h00, I would like to get three lines in my SELECT result :

123 | 2009-03-30 14h50 | 2009-03-30 24h00
123 | 2009-03-31 00h00 | 2009-03-31 24h00
123 | 2009-04-01 00h00 | 2009-04-01 19h00

I was thinking of doing that by playing with three UNION requests (beginning date, intermediate(s) date(s) and ending dates.

Am i going in the right way or is there a cleanest (or more elegant) way to do that ?

Thanks in advance !


I'd suggest a calendar table. Depending on needs, you may want to fields like day_of_week, quarter, term, moon_phase, whatever...

CREATE TABLE calendar (
   calendar_date date NOT NULL,
   CONSTRAINT calendar_pk PRIMARY KEY (calendar_date)

-- populate your table with suitable date ranges
INSERT INTO calendar
SELECT '2000-01-01'::date + i
FROM generate_series(0,10000) i;

Now change your original query like so:

FROM my_table
JOIN calendar ON calendar_date BETWEEN TRUNC(timestamp_start)
   AND timestamp_end


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