On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:51 PM, dfx <d...@dfx.it> wrote:
> dear Sirs,
> is there on the web a simple guide (for "idiots") to install postgresql on
> CentOS 5.2 using only a ssh connection? (no web browser, no graphical
> capability). My first problem is to download using ftp instead a web
> browser.
> The default installation (#>yum install opstresql)suggest the version 8.1
> but I would like to install the latest 8.3, so I suppose that I have to
> change some file containing yum directive per postgresql.
> Actually postgresql is no installed, so I don't have to unistall and/or
> backup.

If you want to use the pgsql version that's included with RHEL 5.2 you
can just use yum:

yum list | grep -i "postgres"

to see a list of packages.

sudo yum install "postgresql*"

to install everything.

If you want to run the latest and greatest, then you can dl the files
via wget and / or lynx.  Using a web browser, and wandering about
ftp://ftp.postgresql.org you'll find this directory:


right click on the packages and copy the link into your buffer, then
in your ssh terminal, type in:


and wait for it to finish.  If it gets stopped halfway through, use
wget -c ftp://.... (rest of url here) to start where you left off.  Or
just use ftp.  Or lynx.

Then when you've got them all in a directory ready to install, do:

sudo rpm --install *.rpm

in that directory.

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