
1.) you should state the exact version of your operating system
> **
> *Windows Web Server 2008 x64*
> **
2.) you should state the exact PostgreSQL Version
> **
> *The latest available, installed this : postgresql-8.3.7-1-windows.exe*
>> 3.) exactly describe your Windows Authorization. Is there some Domain /
>> ActiveDirectory going on? Do you really have MasterChiefAdministrator
>> rights?
> **
> *As far as I know, *I have one user and that is the Administrator. Not
> sure if that is the commander in chief but obviously not, because he is
> screwing with me allot.

You have digged down to the root of the problem:

FATAL: could not open configuration file
> "E:/PostgreSQLDATA/postgresql.conf": Permission denied

so to sum it up: you ran the Tuning Wizard, which gave you a new
postgresql.conf. Tuning wizard, running as your user, copied this
postgresql.conf OR you put back your back-upped postgresql.conf, also as

The permissions of that directory seem to be very screwed :)

> 5.) Check for the logfiles of PostgreSQL within the pg_log directory.
> **
> *I cannot enter that folder! *Crazy! I command you to let me in!
> No, I try to change the settings and permissions (there is like tousand
> entries to those things), i give full access but no difference! I don't get
> it! Make me the super chief damn it!

A quick google for NTFS permissions points to a lot of second source
manuals; that is a hint that it is complicated enough for people to make
money to write books about it. As I am always working WITH the system
adminstrators when implementing PostgreSQL on Win32, I have no MCP or MSC or
whatever that title for knowing about Windows-Permissions is.

So my hints to solve your problem:

a) check if there is some higher authority - as "this computer is member of
a domain / Active Directory", and rights for those file systems are managed
elsewhere out of your control

b) read up on Windows NTFS File Permissions on Server 2008. Do you have to
use another account? Do you have to elevate privileges in any way?

c) after learning enough about windows File Permissions, make sure that the
user "Postgres" -> PostgreSQL Service Account has the appropriate
permissions to access all the files within the PostgreSQL Data directory.

*You seem to be on something here. Keep going! :)*

Now it's you and windows. Good luck!


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon
LASIK good, steroids bad?

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