On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, Jennifer Trey wrote:

shared_buffer = 1024MB # Kept it

As mentioned a couple of times here, this is a really large setting for Windows. Something like 256MB would work better, and you might even find some people making a case for 64MB or less on Windows. I don't really know for sure myself.

Is the effective cache only the one for the OS ? not for them combined ?

It is sizing the combination of the shared_buffers *plus* what you expect in the OS buffer cache. I normally look at the size of the OS buffer cache before the PostgreSQL server is started as a rough estimate here.

Since I use Java, prepared statements are quite natural.

Prepared statements are not prepared transactions. It's unlikely you've got any code that uses PREPARE TRANSACTION, so you shouldn't need to increase max_prepared_transactions.

All three of the above are not really clear in the tuning guide on the wiki, I'll do an update to improve those sections when I get a minute.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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