
     I do not want start postgres as a service.Postgres will bundled along
with my application and i am only looking at starting it only from cmd
line.If there are any options to disable this cmd window which appears after
executing the "pg_ctl.exe start", that would be great !


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Craig Ringer <cr...@postnewspapers.com.au>wrote:

> CM J wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >        To start the postgres server in background mode in windows, i
> > executed the following command:
> >
> > *runas /user:postgres "D:\postgres_new\pgsql\bin\pg_ctl.exe -W start -D
> > D:\postgres_new\pgsql\data -l D:\postgres_new\pgsql\data\logfile"*
> >
> >          The postgres starts up all fine and logs get redirected.However,
> a
> > command window gets opened which says "server starting...". How do i
> disable
> > this command window ?
> Run Pg as a service, and use the "net" command or the "services.msc"
> snapin to start/stop the service.
> The GUI installer sets Pg up as a service by default. Why not use that?
> --
> Craig Ringer

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