Hello Sam,

Thanks a million for reply! I'm so frustrated with this..

Sam Mason wrote:
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 06:08:04PM +0200, Marcin Krol wrote:
What I'm trying to accomplish is producing list of hosts available within a specified timeframe.

What I have is a table of hosts, table of reservations (containing id, start_date and end_date) and an association table reservation_hosts.

I need a list of hosts, with accompanying reservations fulfilling certain (date-related) conditions.

But there are two twists:

- if host has reservation(s), but those do not fulfill the date conditions (the host is not available within a specified timeframe), the host obviously should NOT be listed

- if host has no reservations at all, it obviously is available, so it should be listed

I think the following should do what you want.

  SELECT h.id, r.id, r.start_date, r.end_date
  FROM hosts h
    LEFT JOIN (reservation_hosts m INNER JOIN reservation r
        ON m.reservation_id = r.id
        AND (r.start_date,r.end_date) OVERLAPS (${window_start},${window_end})
      ON h.id = m.host_id
  WHERE h.id NOT IN (
    SELECT m.host_id
    FROM reservation r, reservation_hosts m
    WHERE r.id = m.reservation_id
      AND m.host_id IS NOT NULL
      AND (r.start_date,r.end_date) OVERLAPS 
  ORDER BY h.id, r.start_date)

The formatting is somewhat grim, but I think it should do what you want.

Well it almost works: I see that it selects out the host ids whose date conditions are not met (while adding those that have no reservations), but why it produces nothing but NULLs in place of values, even for hosts who do have reservations but ones ?!

id      id      start_date      end_date
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL
        NULL    NULL    NULL

I had to edit it a bit: it seems there was one parentheses missing after first subquery:

  SELECT h.id, r.id, r.start_date, r.end_date
  FROM hosts h
    LEFT JOIN (reservation_hosts m INNER JOIN reservation r
        ON m.reservation_id = r.id AND r.start_date  > 2009-04-09)
      ON h.id = m.host_id
  WHERE h.id NOT IN (
    SELECT m.host_id
    FROM reservation r, reservation_hosts m
    WHERE r.id = m.reservation_id
      AND m.host_id IS NOT NULL
      AND r.start_date > 2009-04-09
  ORDER BY h.id, r.start_date)

Two things:

- If I quote date values like '2009-04-09' it doesn't work again! I.e. result set includes one host id that should have been excluded (bc it has reservation whose date doesn't match the condition)

- I have replaced OVERLAPS with explicit date condition bc PG complained:

ERROR: function pg_catalog.overlaps(date, date, integer, integer) does not exist HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts.

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