I have a postgresql database that I'm using for logging of data. There's basically one table where each row is a line from my log files. It's getting to a size where it's running very slow though. There are about 10 million log lines per day and I keep 30 days of data in it. All the columns I filter on are indexed (mostly I just use date). And I tend to pull one day of data at a time with grouped counts by 1 or 2 other columns. There also tends to be only 1 or 2 of these large queries running at any given time, so a lot of resources can be thrown at each one.

I'm wondering what my resource parameters should be for optimal speed of the selects on this database, since I haven't seen a good example where someone has done anything like this.

The machine is an 8 core opteron (I know I won't really use those, but Dell threw in the 2nd proc for free) with 8 Gb RAM. The database is on a RAID 10 JFS partition.

This is what I have in postgresql.conf right now..

shared_buffers = 64MB
work_mem = 128MB
maintenance_work_mem = 256MB
max_fsm_pages = 614400
max_fsm_relations = 10000

Can anyone give me some insight as to what I should set these to or if there are others I should be using that I'm missing?


Alex Thurlow
Blastro Networks


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