On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 03:23:07PM +0000, arta...@comcast.net wrote: 
> > I want to use an aggregate function that will return the most 
> > commonly occurring value in a column. 
> It's actually dead simple in Postgres. No C either. You just need to 
> create an aggregate function. I wrote a most() aggregate a while 
> back that does exactly what you are asking for. Here, I'll add it to 
> my blog... 
> http://scottrbailey.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/postgres-adding-custom-aggregates-most/

> Such an aggregate should probably be called, "mode," that being the 
> probability/statistics name for the concept. 

Excellent observation Dave. Sometimes I can't see outside of the box I'm in. 
And at the time I was focusing on text so statistics was in another box. I've 
update post with final functions for mode(), median() and range(). 


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