> Depending on your exact needs, which the terminology you're using only allow
> to guess about, you might enjoy this reading:
>  http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Image:Moskva_DB_Tools.v3.pdf

Thanks.  To be honest I don't even know myself what my needs are yet.
I've only been on the job here for a month now.  And one thing I
learned at PGCon last week is that I have a lot of benchmarching work
to do before I can figure out what my needs are!

At this point I'm just trying to read as much as I can on the general
topic of "clustering".    What I am most interested in is load
balancing to be able to scale up when required, and of course to be
able to determine ahead of time when that might be :-)


“Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts.”
         - Glenn Prickett

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