On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 15:03 -0400, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> sql functions are pretty inflexible...even with recent even with
> recent advancements like varargs and default parameters they are
> designed to do a very particular thing...and insert/update tend to be
> fairly generic in how they operate.

I think Jean was using that as an example to show how attnotnull is
sometimes invisible to the application, and the same would be true for a

For instance, let's say you have:

create table foo(i int not null);
create view foo_v1 as select i from foo where i > 5;
create view foo_v2 as select sum(i) as i from foo;

Logically speaking, foo.i is not nullable, foo_v1.i is not nullable, but
foo_v2.i _is_ nullable. The application has no good way to know that.

        Jeff Davis

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