
I am using postgres 8.1.2 with slony 1.1.5 used for replication between two 
nodes. Very high number of db operations like (2.8 million inserts, 1.4 million 
update and 4.5 lakhs deletes.) are being done on db in one transaction and this 
is repeated for 5-6 times a day  at an interval of let say 2 hours. This 
process is runnning for 5 consective days. It is obeserved that db is getting 
very slow with time. The number of dead tuples getting increased in 
pg_listener,  sl_log_1 and sl_seqlog tables with time though I have autovacuum 
enabled and slony related tables like (sl_log_1 , sl_seqlog etc) are configured 
not to be processed by autovacuum . Please let me know what could be the reason 
of increasing dead tuples in these tables and postgres getting slow. 


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