On Friday 12 June 2009, Scott Ribe <scott_r...@killerbytes.com> wrote:
> > It's far easier to backup and restore a database than millions of small
> > files. Small files = random disk I/O. The real downside is the CPU time
> > involved in storing and retrieving the files. If it isn't a show
> > stopper, then putting them in the database makes all kinds of sense.
> On the contrary, I think backup is one of the primary reasons to move
> files *out* of the database. Decent incremental backup software greatly
> reduces the I/O & time needed for backup of files as compared to a pg
> dump. (Of course this assumes the managed files are long-lived.)

We'll have to just disagree on that. You still have to do level 0 backups 
occasionally. Scanning a directory tree of millions of files to decide what 
to backup for an incremental can take forever.  And restoring millions of 
small files can take days. 

But I concede there are good arguments for the filesystem approach; 
certainly it's not a one size fits all problem. If your files are mostly 
bigger than a few MB each, then the filesystem approach is probably better. 

And of course big database tables get unwieldy too, for indexing and 
vacuuming - I wouldn't necessarily put most files into the large object 
interface, just the ones too big to want to fetch all in one piece.

WARNING:  Do not look into laser with remaining eye.

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