On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:08 PM, littlesuspense<littlesuspe...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Volk,
> at first sorry for my English.  I use postgresql very often and I really
> love it but the syntax for outer join make me sick.
> Oracle short notation (+) is also not a best choice at this place but I
> recall me, that the Informix have a really good and clear syntax:

Note that the word outer is just noise in pgsql, i.e. it's not needed.
 What you've got are left outer, right outer, and full outer joins.
All can be called just left, right, or full joins.  Note that inner
joins are just called joins.

> select * from a, outer b where a.id = b.id;

select * from a full join b on (a.id=b.id) where ...
select * from a left join b on (a.id=b.id) where ...
select * from a join b on (a.id=b.id) where ...

and so on.

> And surely, I would like to see that also in postgresql.

What you get with postgresql is mostly ANSI standard stuff, which
left/right/full outer and inner joins are.

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