
Try Mogwai ERDesignerNG. it can reverse engineer databases like Postgres, Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, stores its model as XML files and can also generate DDL from it.
Supporting schema comparison, schema evolution and data dictionaries.


fe...@crowfix.com schrieb:
I'd like to dump a database schema to a file, probably XML but
anything reasonable is good enough.  By "schema", I don't mean the
narrow postgres keyword, but rather the table names, columns,
foreignkeys, triggers, constraints, etc.

I'd really like something that could work for other databases too,
including O-----, M----, etc.  But that might be asking too much.

A quick google for variations on "dump database schema" didn't find

Whether it be a CPAN module, Java class, etc, or a standalone program,
none of that matters much.

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