On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Alban
Hertroys<dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
> On Jun 30, 2009, at 7:17 PM, James B. Byrne wrote:
>> I have encountered an error that, on the face of it, seems to me to
>> be inexplicable.  I hope that someone here can illuminate the matter
>> for me.
>>     PGError: ERROR:  timestamp out of range: "20080809-01-01
>> 00:00:00"
>>     : SELECT * FROM "currency_exchange_rates" WHERE
>> (currency_code_base = E'CAD' AND currency_code_quote = E'JPY'
>> AND effective_from BETWEEN '20080809-01-01 00:00:00' AND
>> '20080809-01-01 23:59:59')  ORDER BY currency_code_base,
>> currency_code_quote, effective_from DESC
> Oh I so do hope that we won't have to bother with currencies anymore THAT
> far into the future!

You laugh, but who will be fixing the Y20M problem, huh?

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