On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:14 PM, Anderson Valadares<anderva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
>  I have a software developed in Delphi as a Windows Service, but, i don't
> know why, it consumns an unexpected large system memory (515m).
> The service access PostgresSQL by ODBC driver (psqlodbc_08_03_0400) and it
> consist simply of a loop calling a procedure PL/PGSQL. How to discover what
> is causing or why this high memory usage ? What objects are being used on
> this session ?

you are definitely leaking.   resident memory size (RES) of 1gb+ is
not a normal situation.

I bet that you have a transaction that is not being completed.  First
thing to check is:

select * from pg_stat_activity;

and see if your backend (by pid) is in IDLE, running a query, or 'IDLE
in transaction.'

Also, try not to top-post(paste your response _below_ mine), and send
plain text email where possible.


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