On 2009-07-08, Massa, Harald Armin <c...@ghum.de> wrote:
> a quite interesting read.
> http://www.codingthewheel.com/archives/stranger-than-fiction-story-online-poker-tracker-postgresql
> especially as an explanation of the growing number of questions from
> Windows-Users of PostgreSQL
> And ... for a tag line: "PostgreSQL. Thousends bet on it."

I liked this bit:

. "Product Manager: So wait, let me get this straight. You want us to
. force our users, who are some of the laziest people on the planet, to
. install a full-fledged relational database management system??? On
. their home computer??? Like what, they're going to become DBAs? And
. you're calling that a feature? Well, why stop there? Why not just ship
. them our source code directly and force them to compile it on the
. COMMAND LINE? Every user is a programmer, right? Well? ARE YOU OUT OF

We do that!  We were using the non-interactive MSI installer, those who
know what's going on seem pleased to see a real database, those who don't, 
trust us :)

it started life as a linux-only application but then someone ported PG
and GTK to windows, and NSIS to linux. now we bulld windows installer
CDs on linux.

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