
Thanks for your answers!
I'm using 8.1 and 8.2 on windows2003 servers, and it's true that i could
probably configure them much better.
We've recently moved to brand new dedicated database servers with pg8.3 on
debian in 2 projects and it has been much easier to configure these
correctly. There I don't encounter the probems that i described.

The thing is that the whole concept of autovacuum is not feeling right.
Per design, the vacuum is likely to kick off when i am doing something big.
And when i am doing something big, a vacuum is the last thing i'd wish for.
I'd wish for a vacuum when the database is doing nothing at all, but the
autovacuum will NEVER kick off in such a moment.

That's why i feel better scheduling the vacuum at times at which i know
things will be generally quiet.

To be honest, i am a bit surprised that all 3 reactions recommend using
autovacuum, even if it means i have to buy a new server for this purpouse.
I was thinking that autovacuum was just a mechanism to ensure that postgres
works well out of the box, but that it would be recommended to schedule your
own vacuum tailored to your specific needs.
I agree though, that it is a tough tailoring job and that the autovacuum
must be doing a better job than i am. It just fires at the wrong time.

Just a thought (to think positively..): wouldn't it be possible to let the
autovacuum wait until the load goes down, or until the end of the
transaction that triggered the autovacuum?



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