APseudoUtopia wrote:

I'm writing a backup script. Right now, I only have one database on my postgresql server. I'm deciding if I should use pg_dump or pg_dumpall when backing up the server. As far as I can tell, pg_dumpall cannot compress the dumps automatically and it only dumps data in the standard SQL text file format. This means that I would not be able to use pg_restore to selectively restore the database, correct?

What is *NOT* included in a pg_dump that IS in pg_dumpall (Other than all the databases)? Things like user-defined functions and datatypes? Roles? Views?

views are part of a database, so they are included, so are user defined functions. whats not included are, primarily, roles/users.

I was leaning towards pg_dumpall, but then I realized that it only dumps in the standard SQL text file format, and it cannot be compressed automatically.

pgdumpall ....   | gzip > dumpfile.sql.gz

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