On Jul 28, 2009, at 7:17 AM, Andreas Wenk wrote:
another good approach. I understand the point of view. But this menas to download the files anyway because playing mpeg files in the browser is the same as with mov files - I think.

Historically, MOV has been the least-bad container format; Flash support on anything besides Windows has, traditionally, been very spotty. The files themselves are pretty much the same size; FLV is (as noted) a container format, not a codec, and the video is H.264 either way.

And, of course, you do have to download the video either way; it just starts playing faster if you are using a Flash viewer. Requiring a download first does have the advantage that it keeps the bandwidth off of media.postgresql.org down, since the video only has to be downloaded to your desktop once, rather than each time you watch it. (I'm not sure how much of a real issue this is, however.)

The right answer is to move to using the <video> tag, now that more browsers are supporting it. For the next event, I'll encourage providing a <video>-based viewer (since I don't control the HTML on postgresql.org, I can't make any grand promises).

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