> That's going to depend a lot on how many features of the database you
> were using...especially higher level features like stored procedures.
> Converting the schema and the data shouldn't be too bad -- there are a
> number of relatively easy ways to do it including microsoft DTS
> levering the pg odbc driver.
> The biggest change is going to be getting used to the new tools...if
> you haven't already, i'd highly recommend mastering psql (don't lean
> too much on pgadmin) and learning basic administration tasks like
> restarting the database while active, killing particular backends,
> backup strategies, etc.  If the sql server installation is 2000 or
> older, you should be able to port most things pretty easily except for
> any t-sql procedures.  PostgreSQL supports functions which are a
> little different so some of the things you used to do in t-sql you may
> have to do in sql scripts and an external scheduler such as cron.
> Many things in PostgeSQL are easier than you might be used to...it's
> got superior concurrency handing and a much better type system.  Good
> luck!
> merlin

Learning PostgreSQL isn't a problem since most of our database servers are
Postgres.  It's just an old database we want to convert.

Thankfully we don't rely on DTS but I think there may be some refactoring of
stored procedures into functions as some return multiple datasets.

And I personally much prefer Postgres to MSSQL Server any day.


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