Hi Tim,

Thank you for your suggestion.

In my application, it is a multi-thread and each thread will need to query 5
select statements.

Right now, I am having my own pool of 500 PgConn inside the code.  For each
connection that I obtain from the connection pool, I am using direct socket
into querying the database, without ODBC.  That way, I can get the data much

Does PGpool II has c api that I can use inside my code?

Also, can I use direct socket connection to query the db with PgpoolI?   The
way I am executing query is by using :

res = PGexec(conn, "BEGIN");
res = PQexec(pgconn, "DECLARE CURSOR select * ....");
res = PGexec(conn, "END");

Could someone help me out?  What is the best way for 1) using connectin
pooling in my situation and 2) it is the right way to do  BEGIN; DECLARE
CURSOR... ; END; for each select query?

Thanks for all your help.


On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Tim Hart <tjh...@mac.com> wrote:

> On 8/10/09 12:08 PM, "Sam Mason" <s...@samason.me.uk> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:41:47AM +0800, Juan Backson wrote:
> >> I used PQstatus(conn) function to check connection status, but I found
> that
> >> it still returns CONNECTION_OK even after postgres is restarted.  Does
> >> anyone know if there is another command that I can use to check
> connection
> >> status?
> >
> > Yes, PQstatus just gives back the last status.  It doesn't go off and
> > check anything.
> >
> >> What other solution is available to check whether a connection is still
> >> alive?
> >
> > As a connection can go down at any time, this doesn't seem useful.  Just
> > send off your request as normal and if it fails because the connection
> > was closed then you can open a new one and try again.
> Depending on your situation, connection pooling might be a reasonable
> option. Instead of managing the connections yourself, you leave that to
> another process entirely.
> http://www.revsys.com/writings/postgresql-performance.html
> Look at the section on "Stateless Applications"
> I spend a lot of time writing stateless apps that server many 'users'
> concurrently. For me, the pooling idea is much simpler because I only
> interact with the 'pool', and the pool manages opening and closing
> connections on my behalf.
> Of course, this is not a good option if you're writing a stateful app. Your
> original email didn't say either way, so this is a take on the other side
> of
> the problem.

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