On 2009-08-19, Christophe Pettus <x...@thebuild.com> wrote:

> In other examples, page-to-page flow is probably not a great candidate  
> for encoding in the database; I would think that it makes far more  
> sense for the database to store the state of the various business  
> objects, and let the PHP application decide what to display to the  
> user.  Similarly, formatting is often a better idea in PHP, since you  
> may have more information about the right kind of formatting.  (Kind  
> of a shame, since PostgreSQL's data type text formatting is in many  
> ways superior to PHP's!)

I often do formatting in the query that retrieves the data. 

> Here's one concrete example of a decision I made recently; of course,  
> I may have made the wrong one. :)  Customers on this side can search  
> across a large number of different types of entities, including  
> catalog items, catalog categories, product buying guides, articles,  
> etc.  The design required that these be presented in particular ways,  
> separate one from the other.  I could have implemented a procedure in  
> the database which took the search and returned the results, but I  
> decided that would be pushing too much of the UI display use case into  
> what should be a data store.  Instead, the application does separate  
> queries for each type, and unifies the results.  (This does have a  
> negative performance characteristic, since the application has to make  
> multiple trips to the database instead of calling one function, but it  
> wasn't significant enough to be a problem.)

If they are independant you can reduce latency by putting all those 
requests one after another in a single asynchronous query using pg_send_query() 
and then "peeling" the results off as they arrive. with (multiple calls to

or if they all return the same type just one big query made by
unioning the small ones together,

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