On 2009-08-21, David Kerr <d...@mr-paradox.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 12:00:11PM -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> - On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 11:56 -0700, David Kerr wrote:
> - > Is there an easy way, that I'm missing, where I can export a schema from 
> - > database A and then rename it on load into database B?
> - 
> - pg_dump -s foo|psql bar
> Sorry, I wasn't clear.
> What I have is:
> [Database 1].[Schema 1]->[Data Set 1]
> [Database 2].[Schema 1]->[Data Set 2]
> What I want to do is:
> Export [Database 1].[Schema 1]->[Data Set 1]
> Import [Database 2].[Schema 2]->[Data Set 1]
> Leaving me with
> [Database 2].[Schema 1]-[Data Set 2]
>            [Schema 2]-[Data Set 1]
> So that i can now compare Data Set 1 and Data Set 2
> Currently, I'm creating the new schema in database 1 and then exporting that 
> data
> into database 2, but i was hoping there was a better way.

you just need a little sed magic, (untested)

 pg_dump -s schema1 database1 |
 sed '/^COPY/ /\\./ { p;d } ;
     s/^SET search_path = schema1,/^SET search_path = schema2,/;
     s/ schema1\./ schema2\./;
     s/ SCHEMA schema1 / SCHEMA schema2 /;
 psql database2

if you need mixed case,spaces,punctuation,etc in the names it's a 
little harder

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