> > I have two tables that are georeferenced (although in this case I'm
> not using PostGIS) that I need to join.
> > A ( lat | lon | depth | value)
> > |A| = 1,100,000
> >
> > B ( lat | lon | attributes)
> > |B| = 14,000,000
> >
> > A is a special case because the lat / lon values are all at half
> degree intervals (ie 33.5, -12.5). The lat/lons in B are arbitrary.
> > I've written a function in B called getSpecialLat(latitude) and
> getSpecialLon(longitude)  to calculate the correct A latitude and built
> an index on both functions.
> >
> > Here's the query that I'm trying, but it's rather slow:
> > (SELECT lat, lon FROM A WHERE value > 0 AND value < 2 AND depth = 0)
> AS foo
> > WHERE getSpecialLat(B.lat) = foo.lat AND getSpecialLon(B.lon) =
> foo.lon
> >
> > "Nested Loop  (cost=3569.88..32055.02 rows=1414 width=422)"
> > "  ->  Index Scan using A_valueidx on A  (cost=0.00..555.26 rows=6
> width=16)"
> > "        Index Cond: ((value > 0) AND (value < 2))"
> > "        Filter: (depth = 0)"
> > "  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on B  (cost=3569.88..5029.48 rows=424
> width=422)"
> > "        Recheck Cond: ((getSpecialLon((B.lon)::numeric) = A.lon) AND
> (getSpecialLat((B.lat)::numeric) = A.lat))"
> > "        ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=3569.88..3569.88 rows=424 width=0)"
> > "              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on Blonidx  (cost=0.00..1760.38
> rows=84859 width=0)"
> > "                    Index Cond: (getSpecialLon((B.lon)::numeric) =
> A.lon)"
> > "              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on Blatidx  (cost=0.00..1766.81
> rows=84859 width=0)"
> > "                    Index Cond:
> (getSpeicalLat((B.latitude)::numeric) = A.lat)"
> >
> > Am I missing something in terms of speeding up this query?
> I'd be interested to see if the query rewritten as a JOIN would be
> faster.

I can write it like this:
select b.*
from b join a on (getwoalatitude(b.latitude::numeric) = a.lat
and getwoalongitude(b.longitude::numeric) = a.lon)
a.value > 0 and a.value < 2 and a.depth = 0

which results in this plan:
"Nested Loop  (cost=1387.20..13152982.35 rows=1625767 width=422)"
"  ->  Index Scan using a_depthidx on a_(cost=0.00..1464.07 rows=6897 width=16)"
"        Index Cond: (depth = 0)"
"        Filter: ((value > 0::numeric) AND (value < 2::numeric))"
"  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on b  (cost=1387.20..1686.37 rows=424 width=422)"
"        Recheck Cond: ((getSpecialLon((b.lon)::numeric) = a.lon) AND 
(getSpecialLat((b.lat)::numeric) = a.lat))"
"        ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=1387.20..1387.20 rows=424 width=0)"
"              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on Blonidx  (cost=0.00..672.15 rows=84859 
"                    Index Cond: (getSpecialLon((b.lon)::numeric) = a.lon)"
"              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on Blatidx  (cost=0.00..672.36 rows=84859 
"                    Index Cond: (getSpecialLat((b.lat)::numeric) = a.lat)"

However it's still taking ages to execute (over five minutes - I stopped it 
before it finished)


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