
Steve Atkins <st...@blighty.com> writes:

> On Sep 3, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Mark Lubratt wrote:
>> Or, does someone know of  another way to get the
>> backend to send an email?
> Have a queue table in the database you put your emails into and an external
> process that polls the table, sends the email and deletes the  entry from
> the queue. Apart from avoiding the ickiness of doing high  latency work from
> a database function this also makes sending email  transaction safe - if the
> transaction rolls back after "sending" the  email, the email doesn't get
> sent.
> Using listen/notify based on a trigger on the table makes it a little more
> responsive.
> This comes up fairly often. It's probably worth doing a tidy perl daemon to
> handle it and stashing it up on pgfoundry.

Or have a look at PGQ which is made to handle this kind of queue


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