
this isn't possible now. All what you want are limited by SELECT
statement in PostgreSQL. Simply PL knows only  SELECT statement and
structure of result have to be strongly static - because it is based
on static execution plan - it is determined before query start.

Statement CALL isn't implemented yet.

Pavel Stehule

2009/9/25 Jerzy Bialas <jbial...@wp.pl>:
> Hi,
>  I'm coming from Sybase ASE and Transact SQL.
> Apart from long time desire to see true stored procedures in pl/pgsql,
> with integer status and many arbitrary resultsets, I have one specific
> question:
> is it possible to rename columns in rowset returned from function declared
> as "returns table(...)" ?
> As far as I know, the column names are always the same as in table(...)
> declaration, even if 'AS "name"' is used in internal query.
> I work with billing system in telecommunication company.
> We have a system to publish business events about various changes to
> MOM middleware (Websphere MQ).
> There are triggers in various tables, and on changes, they insert records
> into special table EVENTS:
> ID identity,
> EVENT numeric(8,0),
> STATUS char(1), -- R - new, S - sent
> <other parameters...>
> There is a stored procedure, called periodically by external application,
> which hits this table for STATUS=R (new) records, and, depending on EVENT
> field,
> select varius data from EVENTS and other tables and returns rowset which
> is transformed by application into XML message.
> To make it simple, names and values of XML elements are encoded
> as column names and column values, using "column name" = value,
> which is Sybase equivalent of AS "column name".
> The whole logic is in this procedure and calling application is extremely
> simple - it was basically unmodified (except minor bug fixing) by almost 10
> years.
> Of course, rowsets returned for different EVENT values are different -
> various
> column numbers and value types, but this is perfectly OK in TSQL.
> I'd like to do the same in PostgreSQL, but:
> - resulting rowset must be fixed and declared in 'returns table(...)'
> declaration.
>  I can declare all fileds "text" and convert them if needed. Ugly, butit
> should work.
> - Number of columns in "table()" must be the highest needed and redundant
> columns
>  may be empty. Even more ugly, but it should work.
> Is it possible to rename columns in returned rowset ?
> If not, perhaps I need to return 2 rowsets - the first one with
> element names, and the 2nd one with values.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jerzy
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Rok szkolny 2009/2010.
> Zobacz co cię czeka:
> http://klik.wp.pl/?adr=http://corto.www.wp.pl/as/rokszkolny09-10.html&sid=869

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