Thank you very much, I think I need to stady more about trigger.

2009/9/28 A. Kretschmer <>

> In response to ????????? :
> > Yes, you are right. That maybe a bad example. what I want to say maybe
> like
> > this:
> >
> > create table a (
> >          id integer,
> >          room varchar(32),
> >          start time,
> >          end time,
> >          PRIMARY KEY(id)
> > )
> > How can I check if it is the same room, when I insert the data, the start
> time
> > and end time doesn't overlap?
> Please answer to the list, okay?
> test=*# create table a ( id int primary key, room char(32), start_time
> timestamp, end_time timestamp);
> NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "a_pkey" for
> table "a"
> test=*# create or replace function check_overlapp() returns trigger as
> $$begin perform id from a where and (start_time,end_time)
> overlaps (new.start_time,new.end_time); if found then raise notice 'room
> reserved'; return null; else  return new; end if; end; $$language plpgsql;
> test=*# create trigger trg_check before insert or update on a for each row
> execute procedure check_overlapp();
> test=*# insert into a values (1, 'room1', '2009-10-01'::timestamptz,
> '2009-10-10'::timestamptz);
> INSERT 0 1
> test=*# insert into a values (2, 'room1', '2009-09-01'::timestamptz,
> '2009-09-10'::timestamptz);
> INSERT 0 1
> test=*# insert into a values (3, 'room1', '2009-09-08'::timestamptz,
> '2009-09-20'::timestamptz);
> NOTICE:  room reserved
> INSERT 0 0
> You can also use RAISE EXCEPTION to force an error:
> test=*# create or replace function check_overlapp() returns trigger as
> $$begin perform id from a where and (start_time,end_time)
> overlaps (new.start_time,new.end_time); if found then raise exception 'room
> reserved'; return null; else  return new; end if; end; $$language plpgsql;
> test=*# insert into a values (3, 'room1', '2009-09-08'::timestamptz,
> '2009-09-20'::timestamptz);
> ERROR:  room reserved
> test=!#
> HTH, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Kretschmer
> Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)

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