Tom Lane wrote:
> "Edmar Wiggers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I'm not sure about the standard, but I really like Oracle's notation for
> > foreign keys:
> >       select a.item_number, b.group_code_description
> >       from items a, group_codes b
> >       where a.group_code = b.group_code (+);
> I beg to differ --- IMHO, Oracle's notation is brain dead.  

I agree. In my opinion the best syntax for outer joins was brought up
by informix. Ex:

    SELECT a.f1, b.f1, c.f1
      FROM a, OUTER( b, OUTER c )
     WHERE a.key = b.fkkey
       AND b.key = c.fkkey

Where b is outer from a and c outer from b. Precedence and 
hierachical order is given by the parenthesis. Same example

      FROM a, OUTER ( b, c)

b and c are outer from a. I find this syntax clear and logic without
any danger of missinterpretation

Best regards 

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