On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Hans-Juergen Schoenig <h...@cybertec.at> wrote:
>> I had no idea that European beer was uhmm, twice as strong as US
>> counterparts. I knew I was in trouble when people (Dave Page) poured
>> Scotch into my water. It was time to go before I got into a LOT of
>> trouble :P
>> Joshua D. Drake
> btw, the "normal" beer is twice as strong as the US one (around 5.4% here
> usually).
> you can also get "bock bier" (as we call it in austria), however.
> it is in the area of 12% :).
> THIS is beer *g*. you need just the fingers of one hand to count if you had
> more than enough *g*.

Not that I'd want to discourage anyone sending beer to anyone, but...
Though perhaps well outside the mainstream US beer drinkers normal
experience there are a good variety of barley wines, Trappist type
ales, bocks and doppelbocks available in the US. The whole category of
high test beer is a fav of mine, and I'd agree you shouldn't need more
than a couple of fingers to know when you've had enough.   Personally,
I'd say it's more like:

select limit from beer where type in ( 'Barley wine', 'Trappist',
'Bock', 'Doppelbock' )


Peter Hunsberger

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