utsav wrote:
Dear All,

I am using postgres 7.3 version on RHEL 4.0.
You should upgrade to a newer/the latest stable release

The commanddata field consists of binary data of a txt file whose size is between 1kb to 4kb and there is a high frequecy of updates on this table (approx twice in a sec) A strange behaviour is observerd in the physical files with respect to this table. The size of the file is growing abnormally in GBs. Suppose the file name (/oid of relation /)with respect to the table is "18924" I could find entries of 1 GB files like 18924, 18924.1, 18924.2 , 18924.3......18924.40 in the data directory, though there are on 10k records in the table. I have attached the of list command of the data directory. Kindly help me in finding , why this is happening because, the server is running out of space.

Are you vacuuming this DB, or any of it's tables, especially the table in 
Thanks and Regards
Utsav Turray

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