On 1/12/2009 12:30 AM, Greg Smith wrote:
Craig Ringer wrote:
I've also added a general explanation of the issues with prioritizing


I just spent some time
reviewing/improving your article, and I pulled the disclaimer off when I
was done.

Thanks. I really appreciate your taking the time. The article is clearly improved.

Looking at the diffs, it's clear I need to cut the fluff from my writing, as your edits make the whole thing a lot clearer. Keeping it succinct is important, and I tend to forget that.

I added some brief comments
about how you can look at pg_stat_activity to find the actual backend
pid of something from outside of the client itself, to start documenting
that process. It would be nice (ouch) to provide a better example of how
to do that at some point. Sometimes for example I'll save the pid of the
spawned psql process and use that to lookup the backend pid assigned;
not hard to do if you've seen an example or know how this all fits
together, but not really an obvious technique either.

Good point.

I assume you look up the associated backend by looking up the source IP and port of the client with `netstat', `lsof', etc, and matching that to pg_stat_activity?


$ lsof -F 'n' -P -i -n -a -p 29951

... from which you can query pg_stat_activity to get the backend pid:

$ psql -c "select procpid from pg_stat_activity \
where client_addr = '' AND client_port = '39996';"

(1 row)

I'm sure there must be a nicer way to get a list of the local ip and port of all a process's connected sockets without having to rely on lsof, though, surely?

It makes me wonder if it'd be handy to have a command-line option for psql that caused it to spit the backend pid out on stderr.

Craig Ringer

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