
> So the issue seems to be with the last line on IPv6, to be honest i dont
> even know what IPv6 is, could disabling IPv6 do the trick or do i need to
> add something?

Your machine is connecting to PostgreSQL using IPv6's "localhost" address.  
IPv6 is a newer format of IP addressing that allows for more IP addresses - ::1 
=, basically.

Newer TCP/IP stacks attempt to connect to localhost using the IPv6 address 
first, instead of IPv4 (the current format.)

When you connect, try passing "-h" to psql or whatever app/library 
you're using.  That should force it to connect over IPv4.  Or just uncomment 
the IPv6 line in your pg_hba.conf and restart PostgreSQL.

> The funny thing is with the exact same details a different application
> connects to postgreSQL fine? Any ideas and bare in mind im a newbie when
> explaining

Is the different application on a different server?  If so, it could be that 
the other app's OS is using IPv4 by default instead of IPv6.  Or the app is 
connecting over an IPv4 address (e.g. instead of "localhost."


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