On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Gauthier, Dave <dave.gauth...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> Tomorrow, I will need to present to a group of managers (who know nothing
> about DBs) why I chose to use PG over MySQL in a project, MySQL being the
> more popular DB choice with other engineers, and managers fearing things
> that are “different” (risk).  I have a few hard tecnical reasons (check
> constraint, deferred constraint checking, array data type), but I’m looking
> for a “it’s more reliable” reasons.  Again, the audience is managers.  Is
> there an impartial,  3rd party evaluation of the 2 DBs out there that
> identifies PG as being more reliable?  It might mention things like fewer
> incidences of corrupt tables/indexes, fewer deamon crashes, better recovery
> after system crashes, etc... ?

The #1 useful/practical/business sense feature that postgresql has
over mysql and afaik, most commercial databases even, is transaction
DDL.  You can update live systems and if anything goes wrong your
changes roll back.


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