----- "Dann Corbit" <dcor...@connx.com> wrote:

> CREATE DOMAIN Nasty_Month_year AS CHAR(7)
> CHECK ( SUBSTR(VALUE, 1, 2) IN ('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06',
> '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12') AND SUBSTR(VALUE, 3, 1) = '.' AND
> SUBSTR(VALUE, 4, 4)::int BETWEEN 1980 and 2110 );
> CREATE TABLE foo (bar Nasty_Month_year );
> This Works:
> INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('02.1997');
> This:
> INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('13.1997');
> Gives this:
> ERROR:  value for domain nasty_month_year violates check constraint
> "nasty_month_year_check"
> ********** Error **********
> ERROR: value for domain nasty_month_year violates check constraint
> "nasty_month_year_check"
> SQL state: 23514

My attempt at this problem:

test=# \d date_check
          Table "public.date_check"
  Column  |         Type         | Modifiers
 id       | integer              |
 date_fld | character varying(7) |
Check constraints:
    "date_check_date_fld_check" CHECK (isfinite(replace(date_fld::text, 
'.'::text, '/01/'::text)::date) AND length(date_fld::text) = 7)

test=# INSERT INTO date_check VALUES (1,'12.2009');

test=# INSERT INTO date_check VALUES (1,'13.2009');
ERROR:  date/time field value out of range: "13/01/2009"
HINT:  Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting.

test=# INSERT INTO date_check VALUES (1,'12.09');
ERROR:  new row for relation "date_check" violates check constraint 

test=# SELECT * from date_check ;
 id | date_fld
  1 | 12.2009
(1 row)

Adrian Klaver

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